Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Caulfield's and the Phonies

Caulfield's appointment was earlier this morning. He didn't seem to be in the mood to talk, well, he just stood there and spoke a little less than what he used to. And so, I asked him, "How are you today, young man?" Caulfield said, "Um... I don't know. I'm not feeling good, to be honest." And so this gave me an idea that I should ask him about who are the people behind it, which would also help him to express every hatred he has in himself because of those individuals.

I asked him, "Would you mind if we talk about who's behind your anger?" And he said, "No, I would also want someone to talk to and withdraw all the hate I feel for these type of people." We then immediately started talking about this and all he was talking about were his fellow room mate.

Caulfield seemed really annoyed and sometimes, he'd just go and have a deep sigh. A guy's name was mentioned; Stradlater. Holden then goes introduces me to him. "Stradlater was more of a single slob. He always looked all right, Stradlater, but for instance, you should've seen the razor he shaved himself with... He always looked good when he was finished fixing himself up..." (pg. 27). Stradlater seems like he is a kind of guy that you wouldn't be so annoyed about, in my opinion, whiel according to Holden, "...but he was a secret slob anyway, if you knew him the way I did" (pg.27).

Holden got pretty serious when he was talking about how Stradlater got on his nerves. Holden asked me, "Remember old Jane Gallagher? The girl I spent my summer with?" "I do, actually, what about her?" I replied. "He happened to be Stradlater's date." I sensed the jealousy he was feeling. It was really hard to think of a way I could get the conversation to stop, but he seemed to really have someone to help him cope about the situation, so I just went and let him talk. "Did you give him my regards?" I asked Stradlater. "Yeah," he said. The hell he did, the bastard" (pg.42). "I would ask him what happened to his date with Jane, but he won't even tell a thing," Holden said. "That's the way you can always tell a moron. They never want to discuss anything intelligent" (pg.45). Jane is one of the most important people in Holden's life. And he gets pretty mad when she seems to be near harm or anything; especially Stradlater.

Holden knows what he's actually talking about, unlike the other patients I've had where they would talk about something and jump into another topic without me knowing how they connect. Caulfield seemed to be a very intelligent person, but he just doesn't know he is, and he isn't aware how he could try to do something. He may flunk in school, but in everyday wise, he seems to be really great; considering he may sometimes be such a really self centered person. With all these stress he's been going through can definitely result him to just do what he loves to; like smoking, just to calm himself up in the situation, or maybe separate himself out of the crowd to lessen the risk of him gaining more problems and stress.

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