Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Caulfield's - Reasons behind his smile

Caulfield smelled like he just finished smoking before he went into my room; the smell of cigarettes in him was really strong. On our appointment today, I plan to talk about his friends and all the people who has a positive impact in his life. I hope he'd be open and actually be glad to talk about these individuals. According to what I remember, Jane Gallagher seems to be one of the significant people in his life. She had a big impact on him as well.

"Hi, Holden, how are you doing?" I greeted him. "I'm doing just fine, Ms. Reyes," he said. I don't know if it's fine if we'd talk about these people. So, what I thought to do is maybe I can ask him what did he do earlier the day since it's already in the afternoon. "What did you do today, Holden? Anything fun?" "Nothing really. Last night, I actually went to my parents' house and visited my little sister, Phoebe," Holden said. "I missed her."

It was a really great start to talk about his little sister, Phoebe. Holden starts to talk about her, "I swear to God you'd like her. She was smart even when she was a very tiny little kid. When she was a very tiny little kid, I and Allie used to take her to the park with us, especially on Sundays" (pg. 68). "How adorable. How old is she now? Does she go to school yet?" I asked, to get the conversation going. "She's ten now,  and not such a tiny little id any more, but she still kills everybody - everybody with any sense, anyway" (pg.68). Holden loves to talk about Phoebe, I can sense. He also talked about how one time, he took Phoebe to the zoo and when the rain was about to pour, "Then what she did-it damn near killed me- she reached in my coat pocket and took out my red hunting hat and put it on my head" (pg. 212). Holden felt the love and protection Phoebe shows and he admires her for that. The feeling of love coming from other people unexpectedly is just the best feeling. I can say Phoebe is one of the most important people in his life; the reason why he still wants to live, for her not to be alone. His parents might be a part of it, too. But he doesn't really talk about them that much, so I wouldn't want to bring them up; it might change his mood.

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