Thursday, May 30, 2013

Caulfield - Causes Why He Became The Way He Is Right Now

Holden Caulfield, in my opinion, falls onto the category of being a disturbed and troubled teen. Being a disturbed teen and a troubled teen means failing classes, expelled from school, being a chronic liar, smokes and drinks, hires a prostitute ,somehow, swears or curses, self absorbed, protective and easily disrupted. After all the sessions I had with him, I had an idea of how he shows these traits and how he became that way. Holden falls in this category, simply since he shows these traits and he became this type of person because of the environment he lives in, also, the type of people who he interacts with, made him this type of person. The fact he stated that everyone around him is fake, makes him feel lonesome and makes him think more than he's supposed to be. The events that had huge impacts in his life defines what he is right now; but with all these traits, he still manages to live up and maintain motivated for the ones he loves. All the traumatic events he had to face, he chooses to not live up with the idea of letting those things go, especially the ones most important to him.

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